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The fat buds of spring shown large against the startlingly beautiful East Hampton pink-tinged winter twilight sky.

The property is filled with Hellebores, but this one is the most persistent – rising up out of 4 or 5 inches of snow. “Look at me” it teases. I will never have enough hellebores.

The snow helps one visualize the grace of the garden.

One of the thrills of winter are the various shapes and colors of the seed pods which hold all the promise of what’s next.

These are the fire red branches of winter. Probably the most intense color Imaginable in the winterscape.

Aside from our beloved conifers, the only reliably green element of the winter garden is moss.

The Tiger’s Eye Pine, Pinus densiflora ‘Oculis Draconis’ withstands winter with great strength and alacrity.

Often lost among the green of summer, the winter silhouettes can be amazing — all sorts of sculpture can be garden adaptable.

Another of the great qualities of this adaptable and sophisticated shrub Is its architecture — particularly stunning in the snow.