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In no particular order: Notice that there are few general nurseries included, Dianne believes in buying from the specialists.


A little more expensive than the others lily bulb suppliers, but the quality is astounding and worth every penny. Great selection and always adding new things.

This California nursery has unusual selections of things like Clematis, Grasses and the gorgeous Melianthus Antonow’s Blue. Prices are good so it offsets the shipping from CA.

Unquestionably THE place for German BEARDED IRIS…the flashiest of all garden flowers. Their sale at summer’s end (just in time for planting) is worth waiting for.

Absolutely THE place for all other irises, especially the extremely beautiful JAPANESE IRIS ENSATA and any other iris that are hard-to-find and interesting.

My extremely hardy CYCLAMEN heterifolium came from their generous tubers. They specialize in hard to find small things like gentians and, of course, edelweiss

This Oregon Nursery requires very expensive shipping if you live in the Northeast, but they – without a doubt – have the most outstanding selection of UNUSUAL AND INTERESTING TREES AND SHRUBS, perennials too. They are simply great. And don’t be afraid of the size that says ‘Tube’ – it will contain a very healthy plant.

This Texas! Nursery has an exciting selection of EXOTICS like arisaema, eucomis, oxalis; good prices but unfortunately often Out of Stock

The specialist beyond compare for the most unusual form of the bulbs we love. Very expensive, but have had some stunning surprises – like a tricolored Erythronium and a bicolored Colchicum.

Specialists in all those EXPENSIVE BEAUTIFUL WOODLAND rarities like woodland peonies, hepatica and trillium

A really interesting menu of things one rarely has even heard of… I’ve gotten great Darmera peltata and Pulsatilla that actually came back for a couple years

This is a real special specialist. More epimediums than you could possibly imagine as well as gorgeous sanguinaria and trilliums.

They specialize in RHODENDRONS, but also have a gorgeous selection of Japanese maples, hydrangeas and such. Their Metal Plant Tags are very good too.

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HOT PLANTS for COOL PLACES – Whenever you see this on a plant in a nursery — know that it has come from the great LandCraft Environments on the North Fork of our East End. Dennis Schrader and Bill Smith, the proprietors are two of the most affable, knowledgeable and daring plantsmen in the country and their specialty is tropical and annual plants.

This 16 acre wonderland is an experience for gardening and art like no other in The Hamptons, nor really – anywhere. It cannot really be described, one must actually get to know it for themselves. Aside from all the splendor of the place, there is wonderful tiny museum shop, INstore, where you can shop for LongHouse taste gifts, books and jewelry. In addition, they sell saplings and starter plants from their very own gardens. I have a dogwood, a Japanese maple and drifts of fabulous Petasites

In Montauk. Jim Grimes is a terrific plantsman and often has extremely unusual small trees and shrubs. My S-shaped Larch and my intensely variegated Norway spruce art both standouts

the 2nd Friday in May – held only once a year The stalwarts of the Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons really know their stuff and not only do they offer plants dug from some of the great gardens of The Hamptons, but also, they purvey great selections from nurseries in the tristate area. And it’s fun — everyone is in a good mood — even when it rains. Don’t miss it

This nursery, in Bridgehampton, is a wonderland, an amusement park, an arboretum and even an art gallery. Among the vast selection of everything from specimen conifers to perfumed soaps, even the most spoiled and sophisticated gardener is bound to find something that he or she absolutely cannot resist

Is a charming nursery right on the highway as You are coming into East Hampton Village. What is behind this wonderful family-run nursery are three dedicated sons who run a lavish wholesale business and, again on the North Fork, the youngest brightest son Dennis Limonius, is crossing hybrids and coming up with new fabulous things all the time. At the pretty little unassuming nursery, you will find the cream of the crop.

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When buying in quantity (50, 100) VAN ENGELEN is the “wholesale” arm of John Scheepers with a wide and beautiful range of bulbs for Fall planting. Refer to Scheeper’s catalogue for pictures

John Scheepers has a beautiful catalogue with pictures, so it is wise to buy from them and be on their list to receive the catalogue.

The specialist beyond compare for the most unusual form of the bulbs we love.  Very expensive, but have had some stunning surprises – like a tricolored Erythronium and a bicolored Colchicum.

A Gorgeous selection and the very highest quality. Their Fritillaria meleagris bulbs are fatter and better than any others and I use that as my best example. Once called The Daffodil Mart, they now encompass everything – a good summer catalogue too. And at the extreme end of the season they have a half-off sale, but you must act very fast.

The MOST specialized bulb grower of all: Temple Nursery GALANTHUS

GALANTHUS That’s snowdrops…the irresistible first bulb to bloom. Mr. Hitch Lyman owns this beyond specialized nursery selling snowdrops and only snowdrops…gorgeous and expensive. The catalogue has tipped-in pictures and all correspondence is hand-written in a very elegant manner. NO WEB SITE Temple Nursery, Box 591, Trumansburg, NY, 14886

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